Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Make Up

So I have been considering to get more of my girlie side on this page... My onion layers are definitely allot, lol "I love being a girl"!!! (as well)

So do you really use all of your make-Up or do you feel you buy a color maybe wear it once then never again???

So whats everyone doing for Halloween?? I think I'm dressing up my Lil guy as a Cowboy or idk...lol we will see its his first Halloween and we are excited but at the same time we would like him warm. So I gotta plan ahead... aw I cant wait.

Yes, That is a gun on my ankle..


Monday, August 29, 2011


crazy assss but i love his vision just maybe not the religous upside down crosses he has shown in a video. " Now that scares me". lol

Friday, August 26, 2011

Marvins Room

“F-ck that nigga that you love so bad
I know you still think about the times we had”
I say “f-ck that nigga that you think you found
And since you picked up I know he’s not around”

"that damb heartbreak sometimes" Its a killa

(me) <3

"Trust issues"

Well can I say all I have heard so far from drake this time around is hes depressed.... Poor Drake :(

Oh Ooooh, trust issues
Oh Ooooh, trust issues
Oh Ooooh, trust issues
Oh Oooo ooooo oh

How to love

"Everyone has that one inspirational person in the lime light who you adore everything about them weather they be an artist, musician, actor, business man, President etc"

for me that person is Lil Wayne, hellllo!!!??? duh..lol

its his taste in music, Dear lord his Lyrics, his style... but honestly its his lyrics.

How to love, this song sings to me more than others due to the relation with my life and lyrics. Wayne did you write this song for me?? lol JK!

I love this song and you bet your ass im buying the DAMB ALBUM! cop that shhhhhhhhh!!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011


Crazy day is an understatement... What can one do but play the damb cards they are given ... but atleast call the shit buff and put up a good fight.

Carlsbad Beach Sunset.

This is whats playing in my background incase you were wondering...lol


Hows life?

Just been here and there.. lots to think about lately.

What should I do to get more people interested in my blogs?

Too many questions...