Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Late 4Th EVERYONE!!

Wow, what a great 4th everyone right? what did you guys do? Oh i so am not doing the Del Mar Fair again on the 4th again...lol


Just a few pictures, its kind of a tradition as a San Diegan to go to the fair during its time here during the 4th of July which consists of like 3-4 weeks. The have fireworks, live bands/Concerts, rides for ever age, bungee jumping, FOOD FOOD FOOD, you name it its there and we love it. Its held at the Del Mar Race Tracks which if you ever come to San Diego you must go, great experience.

So today was a sure SLAP!!! in the face.

You all don't know this but I am a child advocate and I have been fallowing the Casey Anthony case closely and today the system failed lil Caylee in my opinion. I am disgusted by Casey Anthony and her Lawyers for defending her as if she was a great person. But hey, " someones got to do it right?"

I am also disgusted by the the 12 juror's who gave her a pat in the back apposed to a slap in the back of the head as she so deserved.

This lil Angel did not get justice today as there was enough small evidence to have given her at least some hard time where she could speak to her imaginary friends and deal with her demands instead our government has payed for all this bullshit trial and she walks free.

I think I cried more for baby Caylees life than her own mother.

and with that I leave with this note:

our world is an unfair place full injustices and hurt...I am glad lil' Caylee is safe in God's loving arms in Heaven: "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." God knows the truth and that/s all that matters.

-Kandee Johnson


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