Friday, June 24, 2011

Carne con papas en chile rojo

Today's weather was nice weather was may 79 or 82 degrees or something??

Nice and warm broke a sweat bubble or two
Costco shopping was a highlight, idk somethings are really cheep and worth and and who doesn't enjoy running around in the food section and sampling there food. Ha!

Yesterdays Dinner: Carne con papas en Chile rojo W/ some avocado.

                                                 fried up the potatoes on there own,
                                             then added the ground beef w/ seasonings

                                    I also boiled some Chile pods, peppers and some tomatoes
            I then blended the Chile sauce and threw it in with the meat w/ some water and let simmer

Finally on the side I added some Avocados ... mmmmmm love them.
Dis you know that California is known for there avocado farms. I live within miles of some of them as well as  winery's.

IDK all I can say is I tried something new, Did I like not really cause I love stuff nice and spicy.

sooo, that's it for today .. oh, making turkey burgers with tomatoes, onions, avocado & some cheese and lettuce tonight with home made fries maybe some crackers dipped in artichoke dip for desert if anyone still REALLY NOT FULL, which I doubt.

healthier options I guess you could say rather than beef meet much more greasier and fatening.



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