Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rainy Nights

I love this song. Minus self absorbed girl

Don't you love rainy nights?

cold air on your face and dressed warm and sweet and then a splifffff. Ha  "It is what it is" and some UGG's  and leggings.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Make Up

So I have been considering to get more of my girlie side on this page... My onion layers are definitely allot, lol "I love being a girl"!!! (as well)

So do you really use all of your make-Up or do you feel you buy a color maybe wear it once then never again???

So whats everyone doing for Halloween?? I think I'm dressing up my Lil guy as a Cowboy or idk...lol we will see its his first Halloween and we are excited but at the same time we would like him warm. So I gotta plan ahead... aw I cant wait.

Yes, That is a gun on my ankle..


Monday, August 29, 2011


crazy assss but i love his vision just maybe not the religous upside down crosses he has shown in a video. " Now that scares me". lol

Friday, August 26, 2011

Marvins Room

“F-ck that nigga that you love so bad
I know you still think about the times we had”
I say “f-ck that nigga that you think you found
And since you picked up I know he’s not around”

"that damb heartbreak sometimes" Its a killa

(me) <3

"Trust issues"

Well can I say all I have heard so far from drake this time around is hes depressed.... Poor Drake :(

Oh Ooooh, trust issues
Oh Ooooh, trust issues
Oh Ooooh, trust issues
Oh Oooo ooooo oh

How to love

"Everyone has that one inspirational person in the lime light who you adore everything about them weather they be an artist, musician, actor, business man, President etc"

for me that person is Lil Wayne, hellllo!!!??? duh..lol

its his taste in music, Dear lord his Lyrics, his style... but honestly its his lyrics.

How to love, this song sings to me more than others due to the relation with my life and lyrics. Wayne did you write this song for me?? lol JK!

I love this song and you bet your ass im buying the DAMB ALBUM! cop that shhhhhhhhh!!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011


Crazy day is an understatement... What can one do but play the damb cards they are given ... but atleast call the shit buff and put up a good fight.

Carlsbad Beach Sunset.

This is whats playing in my background incase you were wondering...lol


Hows life?

Just been here and there.. lots to think about lately.

What should I do to get more people interested in my blogs?

Too many questions...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Crown Point

I love the SAN DIEGO life

Sun, Shells, with toes covered in sand with the beautiful breeze and BBQ smell and sea salt water.

A day in the sun, however I did not get enough pictures to show. I was too busy with the sand, and kids and activities.

Type of music we play while at the beach.

Crown Point in located near Sea world you can literally see the fireworks that play everynight at sea world from that beach. There are ton of kiddie beached (family friendly) they are also other beaches surrounding the area, Mission Bay Park, Crown Point, Belmont Park, Point Loma Beach, La Jolla (the Cove) where you can sea the seals or also referred to SEAL BEACH (just to name a few).

Friday, July 15, 2011

North Hollywood

We took a trip to the hollywood yesterday. While wewere there we found ourselfs become tourests very quickly. lol That was not my intention PROMISE!!!

Our First stop was the Hollywood sign

Just alittle FYI for everyone i do not think it is possible to actually be at the sign itselfits seems as if everything is blocked. the top ictre is as close as i could get. I wish i could have gottin better shots but it was almost ipossible with my iphone and being that the trees were in the way in various shots. :(

Next we had to most definetly sto at Roscoes chicken and Waffles Helllllllo!! lol

omg.... look if you love waffles and chicken ppfff idk what you are waiting for. this shit right here, this shit right here is the BOMB!!!

HERES THE LINK: http://www.roscoeschickenandwaffles.com/blvd

Alright so we decided since we were so full to go check out the Hollywood strip and see what its all about. Be warned parking is expensive as hell here 10 to 20 dollars and please bring your tennis shoes your gonna need then oh yeah and a camera. lol

I know allot of people will ask "why didn't you take allot pictures of  the people on the Hollywood strip"? Simple answer, I  found myself more intrigued with the paintings that are over Hollywood.  here's a few:

This is actually a restaurant, the Geisha (the entry doors) I believe this reseraunt has been recently featured in a reality show.

We also went to Santa Monica peer and sheesh it was hella packed as well parking was 15 to 20 dollars aswell crazy.




Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Hi everyone, hows today treating you?

  Me its been OK, just my heath issues flaring up but I pray to God he great me Manny more years of life just so at least my children can remember me rather than ask people about me in an effort to gain Little bit of what I may be like. :( (sad topic)

Lets move on... FAST! lol

I would like to talk about You Tube Gurus, We all love them right? Well I thought I would name off some of my favorite ones and if you guys know of any I should be looking at let me know.

So first and for most the reason why I started getting into viewing You Tube this wonderful, funny, down to earth, lady with 2 twin lil girls caught my eye with her great make up tutorials and verbalization's that I loved them. "The girl next door"  I guess I can relate to her.



you gotta watch her.


The lovely Judy & her loving Benji, Most beautiful couple guys!!! 

She does the most wonderful hair tutorialist EVER!!!!!!!  I have never met her before but she seems like such a sweetheart, shes personable, honest, creative, shes just fabulous!!



for you mommies out there who want some guidance or knowledge on parenting, preparing for parenting, baby cooking tips, or anything baby check out Jeni shes amazing I love her channel me and her had a son around the same time and it was helpful watching her. shes personable, sweet,down to earth, and a all around hands on mommy


Finally, last but most definitely not least theres Jermaine, shes sooooo funny, she cracks me up with her corky personality and shes worth subscribing.



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Late 4Th EVERYONE!!

Wow, what a great 4th everyone right? what did you guys do? Oh i so am not doing the Del Mar Fair again on the 4th again...lol


Just a few pictures, its kind of a tradition as a San Diegan to go to the fair during its time here during the 4th of July which consists of like 3-4 weeks. The have fireworks, live bands/Concerts, rides for ever age, bungee jumping, FOOD FOOD FOOD, you name it its there and we love it. Its held at the Del Mar Race Tracks which if you ever come to San Diego you must go, great experience.

So today was a sure SLAP!!! in the face.

You all don't know this but I am a child advocate and I have been fallowing the Casey Anthony case closely and today the system failed lil Caylee in my opinion. I am disgusted by Casey Anthony and her Lawyers for defending her as if she was a great person. But hey, " someones got to do it right?"

I am also disgusted by the the 12 juror's who gave her a pat in the back apposed to a slap in the back of the head as she so deserved.

This lil Angel did not get justice today as there was enough small evidence to have given her at least some hard time where she could speak to her imaginary friends and deal with her demands instead our government has payed for all this bullshit trial and she walks free.

I think I cried more for baby Caylees life than her own mother.

and with that I leave with this note:

our world is an unfair place full injustices and hurt...I am glad lil' Caylee is safe in God's loving arms in Heaven: "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." God knows the truth and that/s all that matters.

-Kandee Johnson


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Must Have's

What a great day in San Diego, Hows life everyone?

Today we  took our son to swimming lessons, then since were out I take advantage and go shopping.
We ate at SanSai Japanese Grill  in Carlsbad, California where the outlets are located and I highly recommened SanSai and the outlets there.

Why:  cause the food is great!!! SanSai is well made, Clean and at a very reasonable price. The portions are  great. They have sea food , grilled meats, plus soup and salads. I LOVE IT!!! 

Now, the outlets there have great options Juicy Couture, Coach, Osh Kosh, Gymboree you name it and located right off the beach  the sunny climate and  fresh smell of  sea water Play a great part into the scenery.

Last Night

So everyone who knows me knows I paint my nails every week, and I don't like going to nail Solon's to get them done.
Reason: I don't want any nail fungus, things are re-used and IDK plus I really don't like it when I go somewhere and everyone is speaking there language I become self conscious idk i guess and wonder are they talking about me???? lol

So he res a picture of how my nails look this week, Now remember ladies use a bas/primer before the nail polish itself because some polishes stain your nail and it doesn't come off with remover.

Primer: ORLY (primetime)
Polish: essie, SANDY TROPEZ... love! looks great on medium/warm skin shades.
TopCoat: Oh So Wet, (Clear Ice) Quick Dry Top Coat

Deal of the week

I went to walmart and they were having a great sale on these ecotools (earth friendly beaty) Body Butter for .10 cents, yes .10 cents...lol I took it and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I think the quality of it is great, even better than Victoria Secret in my opinion ( no intended) but it sinks into your skin. The fragrance is Mango Butter, and its a nice clean sent even great for a Pre-teen. Try it its worth it.

OK so play this...lol Then NEXT
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEhy-RXkNo0   love the beat ..

Finally, New LOVE for my eye lash's

Not a great zoom but this mascara works great!! it super extends your eyelashes, doesn't smear, stays on for the day and definitely on my new must haves. As any women can tell you mascara can be tricky.
Try it!!  REVLON:GROW LUSCIOUS By, Fabulash

      Finally, I would just like to add that I am fully aware of my phone camera and that it sucks, Sorry I'm working on a new camera hopefully within this week checking prices etc.

Just Everything


Friday, June 24, 2011

Carne con papas en chile rojo

Today's weather was nice weather was may 79 or 82 degrees or something??

Nice and warm broke a sweat bubble or two ...lol
Costco shopping was a highlight, idk somethings are really cheep and worth and and who doesn't enjoy running around in the food section and sampling there food. Ha!

Yesterdays Dinner: Carne con papas en Chile rojo W/ some avocado.

                                                 fried up the potatoes on there own,
                                             then added the ground beef w/ seasonings

                                    I also boiled some Chile pods, peppers and some tomatoes
            I then blended the Chile sauce and threw it in with the meat w/ some water and let simmer

Finally on the side I added some Avocados ... mmmmmm love them.
Dis you know that California is known for there avocado farms. I live within miles of some of them as well as  winery's.

IDK all I can say is I tried something new, Did I like not really cause I love stuff nice and spicy.

sooo, that's it for today .. oh, making turkey burgers with tomatoes, onions, avocado & some cheese and lettuce tonight with home made fries maybe some crackers dipped in artichoke dip for desert if anyone still REALLY NOT FULL, which I doubt.

healthier options I guess you could say rather than beef meet much more greasier and fatening.



Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hi I'm Elizabeth

Hi everyone. Hope I find you all at in a great mood and you read this 1st post.
 OK A Little nervous but just I hope I'm going about it the right way, I'm sure I will slap myself in the face but hey at least I am willing to take a chance. Right?

  Sooooo, I thought I would start out by telling you about me. I'm a Hispanic Female, mother of two, Engaged and Would also like to add creative, open minded and yes funny. lol (nerd)

I'm half Mexican and half Guatemalan but born n raised in Sunny San Diego California "like yea" (white girl voice) lol
I would also like to say I'm not racist so don't take anything i say to seriously its my harsh humor.

Yep, that's us.

I live in a town full of crazy drivers, Hispanics mixed with white and Mexican and Asian in people etc. We all kinda hangout with each other... no judgements. stunner state seriously and its very easy going home of the CHARGERS  AND PADRES.

I'm half Guatemalan and that part of my culture I know nothing about typical guy meets girl and it ended badly but everyone grey out of it except the child who grew up fatherless. So needless to say I had no father figure.

I found a picture of it though and I can say it looks beautiful I just wonder what this is all really about, what happen here, whats still here??? so intriguing.

I also have no real topic yet on what I'm aiming too on this blog but I love to talk and if anyone wants to listen put there two cents in MSG me. I will be talking about a wide range of different topics from music, drama, movies, how to's, what to do's, venting, talking my shit, sending someone to hell etc